



  1. 严守学术伦理,ChatGPT只能辅助,而不能完全依赖。如拿去直接投稿,万万使不得。
  2. 将智能工具作为提高生产力和效率的工具,但是创造性和创意性的工作还需要自己去完成。


  1. 整体思维框架



  1. 简单粗暴型

  1. 粗放型

例子2: 请针对乡村振兴中的孝文化写一个2000字左右的综述【任务不清】
  1. 问题不当型

  1. 无法完成型



  1. 要素及基本句式(prompt)

  1. 情境

英文:I’m preparing/doing/planning [something to do or be doing]
  1. 角色

英文:I am an undergraduate/master/doctoral student/visiting scholar from a university/research institute/other organization. You will act as my [tutor/classmate/interview subject/reviewer/academic peer/academic collaborator]
  1. 目标

英文:My goal is [Action: write, complete, carry out, implement, design, apply] [Object: proposal report, dissertation, academic paper, abstract, thesis outline, content analysis, questionnaire survey, case study, literature review, find academic controversy points, doctoral candidate, speak at international academic conference]
  1. 条件

1. 字数不少于/不多于【】字。
2. 需提供可靠的参考文献,并在正文用(著者,出版年)格式进行标注。参考文献的条数不少于/不多于【】条。
3. 请以【文本/表格/markdown】的格式进行输出。
Specific instructions:
1.No less/no more than [] words.
2. Reliable references should be provided and annotated in the text in (author, year of publication) format. The number of references shall be no less than/no more than [].
3. Please output in the format of [text/table /markdow].
  1. 调试

  1. 提问模型的综合使用

中文:我是一名二年级在读博士,我的专业是【填入相应的专业】,我的研究方向是【填入相应的方向】,我来自【大学/科研机构/其他机构】,你将扮演【我的导师、被访者、推荐教授】角色【设定角色】。我目前正在准备(计划、筹划、进行、开展)我的【开题、答辩、调研、论文写作、研究设计、访谈】,需要你的【指导、协助、建议】【设定场景】。我对【现象、主题、问题、议题、领域)】很感兴趣,你能告诉我【该领域有哪些【值得研究的议题/不同的观点和争议点/可能的研究空白】吗?【设定目标】要求:1. 请给定
英文:I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. 【 Roal setting 】I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. I am very interested in the field of family parenting, but I have not yet developed a specific, clear research question. I have observed that in urban families in China, there is a phenomenon that young parents ask their own parents to help take care of their children. I want to start from this phenomenon to explore the research problem. 【scene setting】What academic concept should be used to define this phenomenon? 【 Goal setting 】
Along with your results, provide the references you are based on, and the references need to be from reliable sources. 【 Set conditions 】(第一个版本)
Along with the results, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources. 【 Set conditions 】(第二个版本)


  1. 完成一篇学术论文的通行步骤(流程图展示)

  1. 如何形成选题和标题

  • 第一步,找到感兴趣的现象。
  • 第二步,确定可以描述这一现象的学术概念的表述。
  • 第三步,针对这一学术概念进行概念史梳理和进行定义。
  • 第四步,针对这一关键概念推荐学术选题,并确定选题类型。
  • 第五步,针对这一概念进行理论视角的查找和匹配。
  • 第六步,形成初步的研究问题,并形成问题表述。




提问模板:I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. I am very interested in the field of family parenting, but I have not yet developed a specific, clear research question. I have observed that in urban families in China, there is a phenomenon that young parents ask their own parents to help take care of their children. I want to start from this phenomenon to explore the research problem. What academic concept should be used to define this phenomenon? Along with the results, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
Dear student, Thank you for reaching out to me for guidance with your academic paper. It is great to learn that you have chosen family sociology as your research direction, and that you are interested in exploring the phenomenon of intergenerational caregiving in China. This topic is very relevant today, especially with the rising aging population, and is an important area of research. To define the phenomenon you observed, I suggest using the concept of “intergenerational caregiving.” Intergenerational caregiving refers to the support and care provided to older adults by their adult children or other family members, and can include instrumental support such as help with daily activities, as well as emotional support and financial assistance. In the case of young parents in urban China, they are seeking assistance from their own parents, which could be seen as a form of intergenerational caregiving. This phenomenon can have implications for the dynamic between the different generations, as well as for the family structure and relationships. To develop your research question, you could consider examining the following: 1. What motivates young parents to seek intergenerational caregiving in urban China? 2. What are the effects of intergenerational caregiving on family relationships and dynamics in urban China? 3. How does intergenerational caregiving impact the well-being of older adults and children in urban China? Some potential sources for your literature review on this topic could include: – Cheng, S.T. & Chan, A. C. (2006). Filial piety and psychological well-being in well older Chinese. Journal of Gerontology, 61B(5), P262-P269. – Higo, M., & Saito, T. (2017). Intergenerational coresidence and caregiver burden in China, Taiwan, and Japan. Journal of Aging and Health, 29(2), 374-395. – Liang, J., & Liu, X. (2016). Intergenerational time transfers and psychological well-being: A literature review. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 9, 102-107. – Yan, Y. (2013). The flow of gifts: Reciprocity and social networks in a Chinese village. Stanford University Press. I hope this helps you with your research. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any further questions. Best regards, [Your name]
  1. 锁定英文关键词:intergenerational caregiving
  2. 验证参考文献真伪(谷歌学术或者wos):第一条和第四条正确,第二条和第三条编造。
  3. 用英文关键词去谷歌学术检索,文章很多,初步确定英文关键词是合适的。
Dear student, It’s exciting to hear about your interest in family parenting and your desire to explore this phenomenon in urban Chinese families. Based on your description, it sounds like you are interested in investigating the practice of intergenerational support in caregiving. This concept refers to the exchange of support between different generations of family members, including the provision of care for children and elderly family members. To refine your research question, you may want to consider the following: – What factors contribute to the practice of intergenerational support in caregiving in urban Chinese families? – How do young parents and their parents negotiate the responsibilities and expectations around caregiving support? – What are the benefits and challenges of intergenerational support in caregiving for different family members? In terms of academic concepts, you may want to draw on the literature on intergenerational relations, family support, and caregiving. Some relevant references to get you started may include: – Silverstein, M., & Giarrusso, R. (2010). Aging and family life: A decade review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(5), 1039-1058. – Feng, Z., & Jones, K. (2011). Urban and rural Chinese intergenerational support in the context of migration and modernization. In Y. Albert, W. Sung, M. Tatlow-Golden, & J. Turner (Eds.), Globalization, culture and society in Laos, Thailand and China (pp. 41-55). London: Palgrave Macmillan. – Zhang, Y., & Goza, F. W. (2006). Who will care for the elderly in China? A review of the problems caused by China’s one-child policy and their potential solutions. Journal of Aging Studies, 20(2), 151-164. I hope this helps you get started on your research. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have further questions or would like additional guidance. Best, [Your Advisor]
  1. 给出了几个可以继续挖掘的研究问题,我对其中第二个比较感兴趣(作为预选项)
  2. 进一步验证参考文献,第一条和第三条准确,第二条错误。
这种现象可以被界定为“代际带娃”或者“代际育儿”,这是指年轻的父母将孩子交由他们的父母或祖父母照料,而不是请保姆或幼儿园来照顾孩子。这个现象在中国的城市家庭中非常普遍,很多研究者已经进行了广泛的调查和研究。 其中,著名家庭社会学家张思玮的研究表明,代际带娃的主要原因是现代家庭结构的转变,家庭成员角色的重组以及家庭关系的重构等。此外,中国家庭的价值观也起到了重要的影响作用。随着社会发展,代际带娃的数量不断增加,这种现象对家庭和家庭成员之间的关系、互动和沟通带来了许多影响。 参考文献: 张思玮,代际育儿与中国家庭社会学的发展,社会学研究,2010年,第5期。 任翠,代际带娃现象的研究,中国公共卫生,2013年,第9卷,第11期。 容胜彦,代际带娃现象的文化解读,中国社会科学,2011年,第6卷,第2期。
  1. 获得中文关键词:代际带娃或代际育儿。去中国知网进行检验,代际带娃或者代际育儿文章都很少,但是在检索时发现另外一个中文关键词,代际抚育,检索北大核心和c刊文章有84篇。发文趋势属于上升期。
  1. 参考文献全部都是胡乱编造。


I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. In the previous literature review, I focused on the concept conflict of intergenerational parenting in the family. Please conduct an academic review on the concept of concept conflict of intergenerational parenting from an academic perspective. Requirements: First, please sort out the evolution history of conceptual connotation according to the time line and point out representative research; Second, after sorting out, please make a clear definition of the conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting; Third, when giving the results, please list the references you rely on at the end, and the references need to be from reliable sources.
Dear student, Thank you for reaching out to me for guidance on your academic paper. As your doctoral advisor, I am more than happy to assist you in any way possible. Based on your request, I will conduct an academic review on the concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting from an academic perspective, in line with your research direction in family sociology. Evolution History and Representative Research The concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting has been well-researched in the field of family sociology for many decades. There is a wealth of literature on this topic, with significant work being done in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, and then continuing to the present day. A review of the evolution of this concept shows significant changes and refinement of its meaning in different historical periods. In the early 1970s, the concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting was first introduced by Bengtson and Kuypers, who proposed the concept of the intergenerational solidarity-conflict model. They defined conflict as a “forced choice” between parent/child relationships and individual desires, and they identified three types of conflict: value differences, role conflicts, and developmental tensions. In the 1980s, Bengtson and Schrader continued to refine the concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting, particularly emphasizing the differences between intergenerational support and conflict. They also focused on issues of gender and the interrelatedness of family roles. In the 1990s, scholars such as Fingerman, Pillemer, and Silverstein further developed the concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting, particularly focusing on how to manage conflicts effectively. They also explored the nature of conflicts in different types of families, such as divorced families and stepfamilies. Clear Definition of the Conflict of Ideas in Intergenerational Parenting The conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting can be defined as a difference in values, beliefs, attitudes, or expectations between parents and their adult children, which may lead to tension, disagreement, or even estrangement. The conflict can arise from various factors, including differences in cultural, religious, or moral backgrounds, divergent career choices, parenting styles, or lifestyle preferences. Conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting can be expressed in several ways, including verbal disagreement, physical estrangement, or emotional distancing. Conclusion In conclusion, the concept of conflict of intergenerational parenting has been widely discussed and explored in family sociology literature for several decades. The evolution of its meaning over time highlights the development of research in this field. Conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting can be defined as a difference in values, beliefs, attitudes, or expectations between parents and their adult children, which may lead to tension, disagreement or even estrangement. When conducting research in this field, it is crucial to rely on reliable sources of information to obtain accurate and trustworthy findings. References: Bengtson, V. L., & Kuypers, J. A. (1971). Generational differences and the developmental stake. Aging and human development, 2(4), 249-260. Bengtson, V. L., & Schrader, S. S. (1982). Parent-child relations. Handbook of marriage and the family, 2, 397-438. Fingerman, K. L., Pillemer, K. A., & Silverstein, M. (1995). The baby boomers’ intergenerational relationships. The Gerontologist, 35(2), 172-178. Pillemer, K. A., & Suitor, J. J. (1992). Violence and violent feelings: What causes them among family members? Family Relations, 41(3), 239-245. Silverstein, M., Bengtson, V. L., & Christopherson, E. (1997). Does psychological well-being change with age? Longitudinal tests of age variations and further exploration of the multidimensional model. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 52B(6), P291-303.
  1. 给出了明确的时间线,并且给到了代表性作品,以及基本的观点。
  2. 明确了概念定义,可以直接用于后续写作中(如果采取前述第一种模式,如果采取第二种模式,那么请在让它写作综述的时候依然使用上述提示词组合)
  3. 给出的参考文献中,5条有4条是真实的,但还需要打开摘要或著作目录确认是否真的和提到的内容相关,如相关,可以引用。


I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. I am very interested in intergenerational parenting in Chinese families. What are the issues worth researching in this field? Could you recommend some to me? Along with the results, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
As your doctoral advisor, I would be happy to help guide your research on intergenerational parenting in Chinese families. This is an important field of study, and there are many potential avenues for research. Firstly, you could investigate how the changing economic, political, and cultural landscape in China has affected intergenerational parenting practices. For instance, compared to earlier generations, many younger Chinese parents today are only children and have grown up with different expectations and experiences than their parents and grandparents. How has this impacted their approach to parenting, particularly in relation to the involvement of grandparents in childcare and education? Another interesting topic would be to explore the impact of migration on intergenerational parenting. Many parents in China today travel to work in other cities or even countries, leaving grandparents to take on a significant role in raising their children. How does this change family dynamics and parenting practices? What are the opportunities and challenges of this form of intergenerational parenting? Finally, you could examine the impact of traditional filial piety norms on intergenerational parenting. In traditional Chinese culture, respect for elders and fulfillments of filial duties are highly valued. However, the younger generation may be pushing back against these expectations as they pursue individualism and autonomy. How do these cultural expectations influence parenting practices, and how are they changing in modern China? Recommended references: 1. Meers, J. (2014). Filial piety, educational investments, and intergenerational support in China. Social Science Research, 46, 1–15. 2. Gao, X. (2018). Grandparent caregiving and intergenerational relationships in rural China: The role of migration. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(2), 355–368. 3. Li, J. (2017). Parenting matters: Intergenerational parenting and grandparent-grandchild relationships in China. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 15(1), 8–22. 4. Zhou, Y., & Silverstein, M. (2016). Intergenerational support and parenting behavior in rural China: A longitudinal study. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78(3), 638–652.
  1. 给出的3个点都比较大,好像还需要进一步细化,我对第三个议题更感兴趣。
  2. 参考文献验证:参考文献全部都不存在
I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. I am very interested in intergenerational care in China. What are the controversial points in the research in this field? What research questions can be extracted from these points of contention? Along with the results, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
Dear student, It’s great to hear that you’re interested in researching intergenerational care in China. As your doctoral advisor, I’d be happy to provide guidance on controversial points in this field and suggest some research questions. Here are some ideas to get you started: 1. Controversial Points One controversial point in the research on intergenerational care in China is the tension between traditional Confucian values and modern socioeconomic changes. Confucianism emphasizes filial piety and respect for elders, which historically meant that adult children took care of their aging parents. However, as urbanization, migration, and work demands increase, more families are turning to nursing homes and outside caregivers. This shift challenges longstanding beliefs about family duty and raises questions about the adequacy of institutional care. Another controversial point is the potential impact of intergenerational care on women’s participation in the labor force. In many cases, daughters or daughters-in-law are responsible for elder care, which can limit their ability to pursue education or employment. Some scholars argue that policies and practices that support intergenerational care could perpetuate gender inequality, while others suggest that more comprehensive social welfare systems could help relieve the burden on women. 2. Research Questions Based on these points of contention, some possible research questions to explore could include: – How do families negotiate intergenerational care responsibilities in the context of changing norms and socioeconomic pressures? – To what extent does gender play a role in intergenerational care arrangements, and what are the implications for women’s labor force participation? – What are the experiences of older individuals who receive care from family members versus institutional settings, and how do these experiences vary across different socioeconomic backgrounds? – How do cultural values and policies surrounding intergenerational care in China compare to those in other countries, and what lessons can be learned from cross-national comparisons? 3. References Here are some suggested sources to consult for further reading: – Chen, F., Liu, G., & Mair, C. A. (2011). Intergenerational ties in context: Grandparents caring for grandchildren in China. Social Forces, 90(2), 571-594. – Han, S. (2013). Fostering or weakening filial piety? The implications of elder care for the Chinese family system. Journal of Aging Studies, 27(4), 412-420. – Huang, Y. (2014). Intergenerational relationships and eldercare in rural China. Journal of Family Issues, 35(11), 1490-1509. – Jia, X., & Wang, D. (2015). Balancing work and care in urban China: Unpacking the challenges of eldercare. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(8), 1326-1344. – Li, Y., & Wu, X. (2019). Family eldercare in contemporary China: Policy and practice. Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 31(2), 155-169. I hope these suggestions are helpful as you continue your research. Best of luck with your paper! Sincerely, [Your name]
  1. 给出的问题更为具体和聚焦,并且出现了第一次在确定关键词的时候的问题,即结果中的第一个问题。How do families negotiate intergenerational care responsibilities in the context of changing norms and socioeconomic pressures?这让我进一步加深了对这个问题的兴趣。
  2. 参考文献验证:参考文献全部都在谈养老而不是育儿,有点扯。第一篇是真实的,质量还不错。谷歌学术显示引用477次。
你的兴趣点非常好,代际抚育是当前中国城市家庭中的热点问题之一。在该领域中,存在几个争议点: 1.抚养时间 代际抚育指的是由老年人承担起照顾、带养孙辈的责任。在这个过程中,老年人需要与其他生活、工作等活动相协调。因此,抚养时间成为了重要议题。一些研究指出,中国老年人承担的照顾孙辈的时间过长,影响了他们的健康和生活满足度。但是,另一些研究则认为,代际抚育可以增进家庭内部的凝聚力和平衡,特别是当父母在照顾孩子上面临困境时。 2.家庭边界 另一个争议是代际抚养如何影响家庭内部与家庭外部的边界,尤其是在中国城市,代际抚养通常涉及跨代别和性别的关系。在一些情况下,代际抚养建立了家庭内部的协调和秩序。但在另一些情况下,代际抚养被视为对传统性别角色和家庭关系的评估,并带来了另一些问题,例如义务感和不对称的关系。 3.老年人受益与风险 最后一个争议点是代际抚养对老年人所带来的影响。一方面,代际抚育潜在地弥补了现代化技术和经济发展对老年人提供服务的不足。另一方面,老年人在承担代际抚育责任时,可能面临着时间和健康方面的压力,甚至是精神和心理上的问题。 以上争议点可以引发一系列问题: 1.在代际抚育中,何时以及如何平衡老年人的个人需求和家庭责任? 2.代际抚育对于城市家庭内部边界的重构和重建有什么新的解释? 3.代际抚育如何在老年人的社交、身份认同和社会威望方面产生影响? 4.代际抚育的经济成本,在谁是受益者和谁是付出者方面不同,这将如何影响长久的代际关系? 参考文献: 1. Arber, S. (2007). Grandparents and grandchildren in the United Kingdom-a changing relationship? International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 2(2), 89-114. 2. Chan, C. N., & Lee, J. W. (2017). The wellbeing of grandparent caregivers of grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder in Hong Kong. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(11), 3502-3511. 3. Hui, E. K. P., & Yeung, W. J. (2010). Caregiving and psychological well-being among grandparents in Hong Kong. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 8(2), 126-141. 4. Silverstein, M., & Bengtson, V. L. (1994). Do close parent-child relations reduce the mortality risk of older parents? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 35-47. 5. Wu, X., Li, X., & Stanton, B. (2005). Grandparents and AIDS orphans in rural China: The role of material support. AIDS Care, 17(6), 744-757.
  1. 给出的研究问题相比英文更准确,也更聚焦。尤其是第2个问题,和英文的推荐问题有相关性。
  2. 参考文献确证:只有第四篇是真实的,其他都是编造的。
此时,我可以有两个思路,第一,询问有哪些因素可能影响观念冲突?【主要看看已有研究从哪些角度进行解释,确立竞争性假说,they say】第二,寻找理论视角,去找可能的假说。【从更广泛的理论视野出发,寻找并形成自己需要论证的假说,I say】
I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. You will act as my doctoral advisor. I am currently preparing to write an academic paper and need your guidance. In the previous literature review, I focused on the conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting in Chinese families. I would like to ask you what possible factors affect this conflict of ideas?Along with the results, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
Dear student, I’d be happy to assist you as your doctoral advisor. Regarding your research question, the conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting in Chinese families is a complex topic influenced by various factors. Some possible factors that may contribute to this conflict include: 1. Traditional vs. modern values: China is going through a rapid modernization process, and this has led to a clash between traditional values and modern ideals. The older generation often upholds traditional values such as obedience, respect for elders, and adherence to cultural norms, while the younger generation may question these values and desire greater autonomy. 2. Education level: The educational background of both generations can have an impact on their parenting style and values. An educated younger generation is more likely to have different views on child-rearing practices from their less educated parents. 3. Social and economic change: The pace of change in China has led to different opportunities and lifestyles for various segments of society. This can lead to differing expectations on both sides and potentially cause misunderstandings and conflicts. 4. Gender roles: In Chinese families, there are often clear gender roles with fathers seen as the primary earners and mothers as the primary caregiver. However, the younger generation may view these roles differently and desire a more equitable sharing of responsibilities. 5. Urban vs. rural origins: Conflict can arise between generations due to differences in upbringing and exposure to different cultures and lifestyles. Those from rural areas may hold more traditional beliefs and may struggle with the more modern views of their urban counterparts. Some references that you may find useful include: – Jing Guo, Qiong Wu, Keli Yang, and Xiaomin Liu (2012) “Inter-generational Differences in Conflicts over Child Care in Chinese Families”, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 825-842. – Qian Wu and Yunzhu Zhang (2016) “Intergenerational Value Conflicts and Youth’s Attitudes Toward Filial Piety and Parenting in China”, Journal of Adolescent Research, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 146-176. – Chang-Boon Patrick Lee and Leslie K. Wang (2012) “Inter-Generational Differences: A Study of Parent-Child Relationships in Urban China”, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 32, No. 9/10, pp. 556-569. – Emily Hannum and Jere R. Behrman (2002) “Who Gets Ahead in Rural China? Effects of Parents’ Aspirations, Human Capital, and Family Resources”, Developmental Psychology, Vol. 38, No. 5, pp. 657-658. I hope this helps guide you in your research, and I look forward to seeing your completed academic paper. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns. Best, [Advisor’s Name]
  1. 给出的影响要素都比较常见,属于大概了解这个领域研究的人都能想到的,不是很满意。
  2. 参考文献验证
很高兴听到你的研究方向是家庭社会学,并且你正在关注中国家庭中代际育儿中的观念冲突。这是一个非常重要的主题,在我们的社会中越来越受到关注。现在,让我们来探讨一下可能影响这种观念冲突的因素。 首先,社会文化因素是影响代际育儿观念冲突的重要因素。中国是一个拥有悠久历史和传统文化的国家,许多家庭观念和习惯都因此深受影响。例如,中国重视家庭的传统观念,强调家庭的连续性和传承性,父母希望子女能够延续自己的价值观和生活方式。而随着时代的变迁和社会的快速发展,年轻一代的家庭观念和生活方式与过去的传统有所不同,更注重个性和自主性。这种文化差异很容易导致代际育儿观念上的冲突。 其次,经济发展水平也是影响代际育儿观念冲突的因素之一。随着改革开放的不断深入,中国的经济发展一直处于高速增长的状态。然而,这种快速的经济增长伴随着社会结构的变化和家庭结构的多样化,这就会导致代际育儿观念上的不同。例如,父母在经济条件允许的情况下,更愿意为子女提供优质的教育和生活条件,而年轻一代更注重亲子关系的质量,更注重教育的多样性。 第三,社会政策和制度也是影响代际育儿观念冲突的重要因素。政策的导向和制度的设立对于家庭观念的形成和传承都有直接的作用。例如,在一些发达国家,政府将养老金与子女教育形成了一种互惠关系,鼓励老人赡养子孙,同时子女也需要照顾老人。而在中国,社会养老保险和医疗保障的制度还比较薄弱,这就需要更多的家庭关注老人的养老问题。 总之,家庭社会学中代际育儿观念冲突是一个非常重要的话题,在中国的发展进程中也具有广泛的研究价值。在研究这一问题时,需要关注社会文化、经济发展水平以及社会政策和制度等因素的影响。希望这些思路对你的研究有所帮助。


1. 社会角色理论:这种理论解释了为什么人在不同社会角色下会有不同的期望和行为方式。在家庭中,不同代际之间存在不同的社会角色和期望,可能导致冲突。
2. 社会化理论:这种理论关注个体如何通过社会学习获得文化和价值观。在家庭中,父母教育孩子时可能会传递不同的文化和价值观,因此代际育儿观念冲突可能源于不同的社会化经验。
3. 文化资本理论:这种理论指出,家庭中的文化资本可能会形成不同的代际差异。家庭背景和教育水平等因素可能影响某些代际在社会文化资本方面的优势和劣势,进而影响相应代际的育儿观念。
4. 社会交换理论:这种理论关注人们如何为了实现自己的利益而进行交换。在家庭中,代际之间可能会进行相互交换,例如父母照顾孙子孙女的同时,可能会对子女提出一些期望,当代际之间的需求和要求不能满足时,可能会导致代际育儿观念的冲突。
  1. 结构功能主义理论:这种理论认为社会是由各种相互依存的部分组成的,每个部分都有其特定的功能。在家庭中,每个代际都有其特定的角色和责任,但不同代际之间可能会因为家庭中其他因素的不同而导致职责重叠或重复,从而产生冲突。


英文标题为Differentiation of parenting function and conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting
Please evaluate the quality of the title of the following academic paper, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, and explain why. The title of the paper is as follows:Differentiation of parenting function and conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting
I would evaluate the quality of the title of the academic paper as a 7. The title provides a clear indication of what the paper is about, describing the differentiation of parenting function and conflict of ideas in intergenerational parenting. However, it could be improved to be more concise and memorable. One potential suggestion for improvement would be to shorten the title and make it more specific. For instance, “Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles” could be a stronger title that captures the essence of the paper in a briefer and more impactful way.
Please evaluate the quality of the title of the following academic paper, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, and explain why. The title of the paper is as follows:Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles
I would give this title an 8. The title effectively conveys the topic of the paper, which is intergenerational conflicts that arise from different parenting roles. The use of the word “examining” implies a research-based approach, which is appropriate for an academic paper. However, the title could be improved by including more specific details about what the differentiation of parenting roles entails. This would provide more context for readers and make the title more informative. Despite this small room for improvement, the title is still clear and concise, making it an effective title for an academic paper.
英文:Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles
Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles:Grounded theory study based on 30 Chinese families.
问:Please evaluate the quality of the title of the following academic paper, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, and explain why. The title of the paper is as follows: Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles:Grounded theory study based on 30 Chinese families
答:I’ll give it an 8. The title is clear and concise, describing the main topic of the paper, which is about intergenerational conflicts related to parenting roles within Chinese families. The addition of “examining differentiation of parenting roles” provides more specific information about the study’s focus. The use of “grounded theory study” also adds to the clarity of the research approach. The only minor criticism is that the title could be more creative or attention-grabbing, but for an academic paper, the straightforwardness is appropriate.
  1. 形成论文提纲及各级标题

答:I. Introduction A. Background and context B. Research problem and questions C. Significance and purpose II. Literature Review A. Current state of research on intergenerational caregiving B. Theoretical frameworks and concepts C. Empirical studies on functional differentiation and ideological conflicts in intergenerational caregiving III. Method A. Research design and setting B. Sample and data collection C. Data analysis and interpretation IV. Results A. Overview of the intergenerational caregiving practices B. Identification of the functional differentiation of caregiving roles C. Analysis of the observed ideological conflicts in intergenerational caregiving practices V. Discussion A. Summary of key findings B. Interpretation of the results C. Comparison with the existing literature D. Implications for social policy and practice VI. Conclusion A. Summary of the research question and findings B. Limitations and future directions C. Final recommendations for research and practice VII. References A. List of the sources cited in text B. Bibliography VIII. Appendices A. Supplemental data and statistical analyses B. Transcripts of interviews C. Research instruments used in the study.
I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. I am writing an academic paper. After communication with my supervisor and literature review, I have determined the title of the paper is “Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles”. Please help me outline my thesis according to the prevailing academic paper writing norms.
答:Sure, here’s an outline you can use: I. Introduction – Background and significance of the research topic – Research question and objectives – Literature review – Thesis statement II. Theoretical Framework – A review of relevant theories and concepts related to intergenerational parenting conflicts and differentiation of parenting roles – Explanation of how these theories and concepts will be used to frame the study III. Methodology – Research design and approach – Data collection methods (e.g., survey, interviews, observation) – Sampling strategy and sample size – Data analysis techniques IV. Results – Quantitative and/or qualitative analysis of the data – Findings related to intergenerational parenting conflicts and differentiation of parenting roles V. Discussion – Interpretation of the results and implications for family sociology – Comparison of the findings with previous research – Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research VI. Conclusion – Summary of the main points – Contribution to the field of family sociology – Suggestions for policy and practice VII. References – List of sources cited throughout the paper Note: This is a general outline and you should consult your advisor and/or your department’s specific guidelines for formatting and structuring your paper. Good luck with your research!
  1. 撰写各部分中心观点句

  1. 撰写前言部分
问:I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. I am writing an academic paper. After communication with my supervisor and literature review, I have determined that the title of the paper is “Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles”. The following is the outline of the Introduction part of my paper, please complete it. Requirements: First, no less than 2000 words; Second, please mark the references in the corresponding position of the text in the format of (author, publication year); Third, please list the references you are relying on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
A. Background and context As society and families change over time, parenting roles and expectations have also evolved. In many cultures, parents have traditionally played a dominant role in the upbringing and decision-making of their children. However, with the rise of individualism and changes in gender roles, a shift towards more equal parenting has emerged (Bianchi & Milkie, 2010). This shift has presented challenges for both generations in terms of adapting to new parenting roles and navigating intergenerational conflicts (Cherlin, 2010). B. Research problem and questions One of the most common types of intergenerational conflicts related to parenting is when parents interfere with their adult children’s parenting decisions (Birditt et al., 2015). This type of conflict can arise from conflicting values, beliefs, and preferences, leading parents and adult children to establish different parenting roles. Thus, the research problem explored in this paper is how intergenerational parenting conflicts arise from the differentiation of parenting roles between parents and adult children. We aim to answer the following research questions: – How do parents and adult children differentiate their parenting roles? – What types of conflicts emerge from these differentiated parenting roles? – How do different factors, such as cultural, social, and economic status, affect the occurrence of intergenerational parenting conflicts? C. Significance and purpose of the study This research is significant because parenting conflicts are becoming increasingly common, and they have profound effects on both parents and adult children. Moreover, the differentiation of parenting roles regarding different aspects of children’s lives, such as discipline, education, and career, could have significant implications for the family system’s functioning. Therefore, our primary purpose is to understand how intergenerational conflicts related to parenting roles arise and how they can be managed effectively in multi-generational family settings.
  1. 撰写文献综述部分

I am a sophomore studying for a PhD. My major is sociology, and my research direction is family sociology. I am from Renmin University of China. I am writing an academic paper. After communication with my supervisor and literature review, I have determined that the title of the paper is “Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts: Examining Differentiation of Parenting Roles”. Please complete the literature review. Requirements: First, please classify the causes of concept conflict in intergenerational parenting based on previous research, and point out that the existing research is insufficient; Second, no less than 2000 words; Third, please mark the references in the corresponding position of the text in the format of (author, publication year); Fourth, please list the references you rely on at the end. References need to be from reliable sources.
Literature Review on Intergenerational Parenting Conflicts Intergenerational parenting conflicts refer to the disagreements or tensions that occur between parents and their adult children over parenting decisions and practices. These conflicts may arise due to differences in values, beliefs, expectations, and parenting styles between the two generations. Previous research has identified several causes of intergenerational parenting conflicts, which can be classified into three broad categories: cultural, generational, and individual factors. Cultural factors refer to the norms, values, and beliefs that are shared by members of a particular society or culture. Studies have shown that cultural differences between parents and their adult children can lead to conflicts over parenting decisions and practices (Chen, 2018; Lee & Ahn, 2016). For instance, immigrant parents may hold traditional cultural values that prioritize obedience, respect, and filial piety, while their adult children may adopt more individualistic and egalitarian values that emphasize autonomy, self-expression, and independence. Such cultural differences can lead to conflicts over issues such as discipline, education, and gender roles in parenting. Generational factors refer to the differences in experiences, attitudes, and expectations between parents and their adult children due to the historical and social contexts in which they grew up (Hoang & Vervoort, 2021; McHale et al., 2011). For instance, older generations may have experienced more authoritarian and directive parenting styles, while younger generations may have experienced more permissive and child-centered parenting styles. These differences can lead to conflicts over issues such as discipline, involvement, and decision-making in parenting. Individual factors refer to the personal characteristics, values, and beliefs of parents and their adult children that may influence their parenting decisions and practices (Chen & Kaplan, 2019; Fingerman et al., 2016). For instance, parents who have authoritarian or overprotective personality traits may clash with adult children who have more assertive or independent personality traits. Similarly, parents who prioritize achievement and success may disagree with adult children who prioritize work-life balance and emotional well-being. Despite the extensive research on intergenerational parenting conflicts, there are several limitations in the existing literature. First, most studies have focused on parent-child dyads rather than examining the perspectives of multiple family members, such as grandparents, siblings, and other relatives (Reczek & Umberson, 2016). This approach may overlook the complexity and diversity of intergenerational relationships and conflicts within families. Second, few studies have adopted a longitudinal or comparative design that can capture the changes and variations in intergenerational parenting conflicts over time and across cultures (Hoang & Vervoort, 2021). Third, there is a lack of consensus on the conceptualization and measurement of intergenerational parenting conflicts, which may hinder the comparability and generalizability of findings across studies (Chen, 2018). To address these limitations, future research on intergenerational parenting conflicts can adopt a family systems approach that considers the multiple perspectives and interactions among family members (Reczek & Umberson, 2016). Longitudinal and cross-cultural studies can also provide a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and contexts of intergenerational conflicts in parenting. Finally, a consensus on the conceptualization and measurement of intergenerational parenting conflicts can enhance the validity and reliability of research findings and contribute to the development of effective interventions and policies that promote family communication and harmony. References Chen, X. (2018). Parent-child conflicts in immigrant families: Bridging cross-cultural gaps in values, rules, and expectations. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27(5), 1549-1560. Chen, X., & Kaplan, H. B. (2019). Intergenerational value discrepancies and family conflict: A longitudinal study of Chinese American adolescents and their parents. Journal of Adolescence, 74, 152-162. Fingerman, K. L., Cheng, Y.-P., Wesselmann, E. D., Zarit, S., & Birditt, K. S. (2016). Parents’ problems, parent-child relationships, and adult children’s daily emotional experiences. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78(4), 1062-1075. Hoang, N., & Vervoort, M. (2021). Intergenerational conflicts in immigrant families: A systematic review. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(3), 484-497. Lee, J. Y., & Ahn, J.-A. (2016). Intergenerational differences in values and parenting: A random sample of Korean immigrant mothers with adolescent children. Journal of Social Service Research, 42(3), 281-295. McHale, S. M., Updegraff, K. A., & Shanahan, L. (2011). Parent-child relationships in adolescence. In R. M. Lerner, A. C. Peterson, & J. Brooks-Gunn (Eds.), Encyclopedia of adolescence (pp. 1987-1995). Springer. Reczek, C., & Umberson, D. (2016). Gender, health behavior, and intimate relationships: Lesbian, gay, and straight contexts. Springer.

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